Our energy bills in Georgia are out of control - in fact, as of 2018, our overall energy bills were the third highest in the nation.
Who's to blame for this?
Georgia state's Public Service Commission (PSC) is made up of 5 officials - all white, all Republican - who make the decisions on utility and energy costs for the state. Maybe you've never heard of them, but they have a direct impact on your life - and they are singlehandedly propping up Georgia Power’s utility monopoly, raising rates TWICE in the past year, and unanimously voting to shut off thousands of folks’ utilities in the middle of a pandemic.
You mad yet? Luckily, two of these PSC seats are up for grabs in November. We need phone & text bankers to help us educate Georgians on what they can do to fight for energy and climate justice in their communities.
Email your ecosocialist comrades at [email protected] to volunteer, or join #ecosocialism_wg on Slack.