News from Representative Allred

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September 18, 2020

Dear John,

I was raised by a single mom, who was a hard-working Dallas public school teacher. I saw first hand the hurdles women face in the workplace and in their lives every day. Women often serve as the backbones of their families, working hard to provide for their households. I understand this deeply which is why since entering Congress, I have been working to be an advocate for women in the workplace and beyond. 

Pregnant workers face unique circumstances in the workplace. As they continue to work further into their pregnancies, workplace safety becomes even more important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. No one should have to choose between a paycheck and a healthy pregnancy. As a father, I believe it is vital we protect new and soon-to-be mothers in the workplace so that they can focus on the joys and adventures of adding to their family.

That is why this week, I voted for the bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. This bill would require employers to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers so they can feel safe and comfortable while at work, and prohibit employers from discriminating against pregnant workers.

I have also supported other bills to help women by working to eliminate the challenges they face. Last year my bill, the VA Newborn Emergency Treatment Act, passed the House. The legislation clarifies that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can cover the costs of emergency medical transportation for newborn babies of certain women veterans. This bipartisan bill closes an unnecessary gap in coverage, and helps keep our promise to veterans.

Additionally, the House also made progress with the Paycheck Fairness Act, which passed with bipartisan support. This measure ensures equal pay for equal work by strengthening and closing loopholes in the Equal Pay Act. It also offers solutions for women who are experiencing wage discrimination in their workplaces. Gender discrimination is a critical issue that must be addressed, and I was proud to cosponsor this bill which will ensure economic justice for all women. I urge the Senate to take up and pass these measures soon. 

There has been so much progress in the fight for women’s equality, but there is much more work to do. As long as I am in Congress, I will always stand alongside women and work to make sure they are treated with dignity, fairness and respect in the workplace and beyond.

For coronavirus information and resources on federal assistance as it relates to the pandemic, please visit or give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949 with any questions.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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