September 18, 2020
Latest columns
Neil Brian Goldberg

September 17, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

September 17, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? President Trump has been accused of going too slow on a coronavirus response. Now he's accused of going too fast. "Danger of rushing vaccine," screams the headline over the political gossip publication Axios, designed for elites in the Big Tech industry who don't read too much but want to know what to say and who to censor. Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein Obama's new book, A Promised Land.... (more)

September 17, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? California, Oregon, and Washington have been aflame for weeks now, and Governor Newsom of California has identified the culprit: global warming. But he's wrong--dead wrong--and as long as he thinks he's right, he won't do the things that are necessary to prevent more of his people, their homes, and their towns from being incinerated.... (more)

September 17, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? "The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." So said 19th century British Prime Minister Sir William Gladstone. September 17 marks the 233rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.... (more)

September 17, 2020
One of his best speeches – begins at 7:30
C-SPAN ? President Trump delivered remarks at the White House History Conference at the National Archives in Washington, DC. During his remarks, the president denounced what he called "left wing mob," saying a "radical movement is moving to demolish our precious history."... (more)

September 17, 2020
Chinese virologist Dr. Dr. Li-Meng Yan says virus was 'man-made'

September 17, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? A "trained Marxist" founder of Black Lives Matter has teamed up on a new venture with a pro-Chinese Communist Party organization. Alicia Garza is now behind the advocacy group Black Futures Lab, which is backed by the Chinese Progressive Association, according to the website.... (more)

September 17, 2020
'Maybe it?s a distraction' from Nancy Pelosi's hair salon visits
WORLDNETDAILY ? Reporters at the White House on Wednesday were scolded by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for refusing to ask any questions about the historic Middle East peace agreements signed Tuesday.... (more)

September 16, 2020
YOUTUBE ? President Trump held a news briefing Wednesday in the White House and discussed Covid vaccine progress and delivery, Democrat resistance to his administration's success with the virus, the Nevada governor's partisan behavior regarding rallies and voting, a judge's ruling that Pennsylvania's governor should open up his state, the media's exaggerated reports of Trump staffers contracting Covid from rallies, more.... (more)

September 16, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? The top spokesman at Health and Human Services accused scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of "sedition" for their response to the coronavirus pandemic and warned people to buy guns and ammo because an insurrection led by Democrats could start on Inauguration Day if President Trump refuses to "stand down," according to a report Monday.... (more)

September 16, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Reporters at the White House on Wednesday were scolded by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for refusing to ask any questions about the historic Middle East peace agreements signed Tuesday. It had been decades since the last such agreement between an Arab nation in the Middle East and Israel had been accomplished.... (more)

September 16, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? President Trump's fresh approach to one of the world's most intractable and dangerous problems, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, culminated Tuesday in the signing of historic agreements with Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to normalize their diplomatic relations. The move also burnished Mr. Trump's credentials as a statesman and a peacemaker less than two months before he faces voters for reelection.... (more)

September 16, 2020
Feds 'targeting and reviewing' leaders and their funders
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Department of Homeland Security has "overwhelming intelligence" that the nightly violence in Portland, Oregon, was "organized" by members of Antifa. An email obtained by CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge that was written by Brian Murphy, former acting under secretary for intelligence and analysis at DHS, said in July that the violence had reached a level at which it could not longer be classified as "opportunistic."... (more)

September 15, 2020
Gov. Sisolak's rules prohibited them from attending indoor event planned for Reno
FACEBOOK ? Trump supporters lined up in a field outside Minden, Nevada, near Lake Tahoe, to attend a "peaceful protest" with President Trump Sept. 12, after public officials prohibited the Trump campaign from holding an indoor rally that was slated for Reno.... (more)

September 15, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? For the past 50 or more years, the Democrat Party—always left-wing but today viciously anti-American and virulently anti-Semitic—has worked tirelessly to inflict its worldview on everyone in America.... (more)

September 15, 2020
BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE ? Linda Goudsmit is the author of The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes, a wonderfully informative work that every American should read. It explains quickly and decisively the 50 ways that the far-left is killing America with destructive policies presented to us as altruistic—for example: Common Core, New World Order, Climate Change, Leftism, Political Correctness, White Supremacy, Collectivism, Globalism, United Nations, Ballot Harvesting, and 40 others.... (more)

September 15, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In comments reminiscent of Hillary's "deplorables" remark about Trump voters in 2016, a major media figure has gone nuts over those who refuse to buy into the left-wing narratives about climate change, race war, forced vaccinations, and other items on the agenda of Biden for president.... (more)

September 15, 2020
PETER LEMISKA ? From the beginning, Americans have never seen eye-to-eye on every issue. Long before there were Democrats and Republicans, there were opposing political parties offering contrasting solutions to the problems facing our country. Still, for nearly 250 years, with the exception of four bloody years in the 1860s, those opposing parties shared the American spirit, the same basic ideals, principles, and virtues, the same love of country. Guided by our Constitution, they worked together to create the strongest, most enviable nation in the world.... (more)

September 15, 2020
MARK SHEPARD ? Some people may act surprised by the "Black Men for Trump" movement, because "it is not supposed to happen." I am not at all surprised by the movement because, just like immigrants who have escaped oppressive countries, these men have escaped the pattern of oppressive ideas of the Democrat Party and have learned to value individual liberty far more than most Americans.... (more)

September 15, 2020
RICH LOWRY ? Florida senator Rick Scott has an advanced degree in winning Hispanic voters as a Republican. It has buoyed him in all his races, most recently his victory in his 2018 Senate race after serving two terms as governor, so he seems a logical person to ask about President Donald Trump's eye-popping improvement among Hispanics in Florida.... (more)

September 15, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Close to two-thirds of Americans are worried whether law and order in the United States will remain in place at a time when racial justice protests and riots have rippled through cities around the country, according to the latest Monmouth poll.... (more)

September 14, 2020
Distracting content advisory
DAILY MAIL ? The Atlantic magazine has been slammed after sharing an op-ed that the Nobel Peace Prize should be 'ended' after President Donald Trump was nominated in the wake of diplomatic breakthroughs between Israel and Gulf Arab countries. The eyebrow-raising article by Graeme Wood comes just a week after the same publication reported that the president disparaged fallen and wounded American soldiers during a trip to France in 2018.... (more)

September 13, 2020
YOUTUBE ? DOJ records show some members of the Mueller team wiped their department-issued phones; reaction from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.... (more)

September 13, 2020
LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY ? Wow -- tell us how you really feel. Democratic Representative for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district, Conor Lamb, is in the middle of a campaign against Republican challenger Sean Parnell. Typically, mud slinging in campaigns is to be expected, however, campaign spokesmen do not tweet out desires for their opponents to burn in hell and die, that is just frowned upon in a civilized society.... (more)

September 12, 2020

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