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Local nurses hail historic union vote in NC
U.S.-Haiti pact renewal must address worker rights
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
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Montgomery County COPE special meeting: Fri, September 18, 10am - 11am
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Black Labor Week: The Power of the Black Vote: Fri, September 18, 7pm - 11pm
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Coalition to Repeal Right to Work (NoVA Labor): Fri, September 18, 7pm - 9pm
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Virtual Phone Banks (NoVA Labor): Sat, September 19, 10am - 1pm
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Metro Washington Council Delegate Meeting: Mon, September 21, 5pm - 7pm
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Missed yesterday's Your Rights At Work radio show? Catch the [link removed] podcast here; NC nurses win landslide victory; Despotism at work
Local nurses hail historic union vote in NC
Local nurses hailed Thursday's historic union vote in North Carolina as nurses at Mission Hospital voted in a landslide -- 965 to 411 -- to join National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United, the nation's largest RN union. "This victory shows us that unions continue to be a powerful tool bringing nurses and the community together to fight for health care, workers' rights and social justice," said DC Nurses Association Executive Director Ed Smith. "DCNA is proud of our new brothers and sisters in Asheville." The Mission RNs prevailed over a heavily funded anti-union campaign by the hospital owner, HCA, the largest hospital system in the United States, and arguably the most politically and economically influential giant in the hospital industry. "This fight isn't just for us and our working conditions--this is about the health and well-being of our community," said Kelly Graham, palliative care RN at Mission. Next up, the nurses will elect a team to represent them in contract negotiations with management for their first union contract.
U.S.-Haiti pact renewal must address worker rights
Testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee, Solidarity Center Americas Regional Program Director Lauren Stewart said for trade benefits to reach 57,000 Haiti garment workers, labor rights provisions in trade programs must be enforced because they are key to ensuring worker rights law and fostering rule of law, and are essential for the country's economic development. [link removed] Read more at the Solidarity Center.
Today's Labor Quote: Hannah Drummond
"Our families, friends and fellow citizens rely on the care we provide here. Their overwhelming love and support remind me of why we're doing this. They gave us strength. I'm so grateful this victory will allow us to be better advocates for our community."
Drummond is a trauma care unit RN at Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, where nurses just voted in a union.
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Labor Day: no picnic in a pandemic
Peter Rachleff on the history and significance of Labor Day on the [link removed] Union Yes Iowa podcast; anthropologist Paul Shackel remembers the 1897 Lattimer Massacre; from the Library of Congress's brand-new [link removed] America Works podcast, Greg Vaught, the singing gold mine worker from Elko, Nevada.
Plus, Pete Seeger remembers textile mill striker Ella Mae Wiggins, and on [link removed] Labor History in 2: The Making of a National Treasure.
Last week's show: [link removed] We Do The Work; Working History.
September 18
The Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) is formally founded at an Ohio convention, during a period of serious corruption in the union. Two years earlier at an IBT convention in Las Vegas a union reform leader who (unsuccessfully) called for direct election of officers and a limit on officers' salaries had been beaten by thugs - 1978
A 20-month illegal lockout of 2,900 Steelworkers members at Kaiser Aluminum plants in three states ends when an arbitrator orders a new contract. Kaiser was forced to fire scabs and fork over tens of millions of dollars in back pay to union members - 1999
September 19
Chinese coal miners forced out of Black Diamond, Wash. - 1885
400,000 to 500,000 unionists converge on Washington D.C. for a Solidarity Day march and rally protesting Republican policies - 1981
Upton Sinclair, socialist and author of "The Jungle"--published on this day in 1906--born in Baltimore, MD - 1878
September 20
According to folklorist John Garst, steel-drivin' man John Henry, born a slave, outperformed a steam hammer on this date at the Coosa Mountain Tunnel or the Oak Mountain Tunnel of the Columbus and Western Railway (now part of the Norfolk Southern) near Leeds, Ala. Other researchers place the contest near Talcott, W. Va. - 1887
photo: a statue of folk hero John Henry stands outside [link removed] Big Bend Tunnel in [link removed] southern West Virginia
International Hod Carriers, Building & Common Laborers Union of America changes name to Laborers' International Union - 1965
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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