Friend, I’m writing to inform you of two breaking legal victories -- on the Postal Service and the 2020 Census -- with MAJOR implications on our work for a democracy where we all have a voice.
First, a federal court just paused the dangerous, anti-voter changes made by Trump’s new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy. [1] Common Cause sued to undo these changes because they threaten our right to vote by mail -- and this ruling (in a separate case) will put the worst ones on hold for now.
And, moments later, a federal judge suspended the Trump Administration’s attempt to end the 2020 Census early. [2] If successful, that would leave millions of Americans uncounted, and shut communities of color out of public resources and political representation.
Friend, unfortunately neither of these are final victories -- and either could be undone in the coming days by the Supreme Court or further action by the Trump Administration
But they’re a reminder that -- even as this Administration attempts to attack the bedrock principles of our democracy on all fronts -- we CAN and MUST fight back.
Common Cause and our partners are still actively litigating on the USPS and the Census, as well as multiple major state-level voting cases. Opposing us are the White House and the RNC’s $20 million voter suppression legal fund -- but we simply can’t back down, no matter what we’re up against.
Our legal experts are quickly reviewing both rulings, and we’ll keep you updated as we learn more. But, I wanted to make sure to let you know -- because all of the work we do to defend democracy relies on the dedication and support of Common Cause members like you.
Thanks for all you do,
Paul S. Ryan, Vice President for Policy and Litigation
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Our legal team works around the clock to defend voters and protect our democracy. And, while our opponents have the White House and millions of special interest dollars on their side -- we’re counting on ordinary Americans like you to sustain this necessary work. We simply can’t do this without you -- can you chip in $3 to fuel our urgent legal efforts today?