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Schools that fail to teach about same-sex relationships risk being marked down by inspectors, according to new guidance. The NSS has criticised the guidance for seemingly permitting faith schools to teach that being LGBT is morally wrong.
The UN children's agency Unicef has called on the Nigerian authorities to urgently review an Islamic court's decision to sentence a 13-year-old boy to 10 years in prison for 'blasphemy'.
Dominic Grieve will conduct the exercise after two of the charity's trustees stepped down because of antisemitic comments they had made on social media.
The Chinese Communist party government has defended its system of internment camps for Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, in a white paper that also revealed some details of the breadth of its labour program.
The Myanmar military has said it is investigating "possible wider patterns of violations" before and during a 2017 crackdown in Rakhine State that the United Nations has said was executed with genocidal intent against Rohingya Muslims.
A Hindu has been jailed for seven years in Muslim-majority Bangladesh for 'insulting' the Islamic Prophet Mohammed on Facebook, a prosecutor said on Thursday.
The owners of a number of Tel Aviv bars have declared their businesses to be synagogues, in protest of government lockdown plans that on the one hand will prevent all bars and restaurants from operating during the closure, while on the other allow dozens to take part in prayers at houses of worship throughout the country.
Piero Alfio Capuana, the lay leader of the 5,000-member Catholic Culture and Environment Association, is accused of delegating his associates to select and organise his targets, some as young as 11 years old.
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Note: Yesterday's media briefing suggested a proposed assisted dying bill had been tabled in Northern Ireland. It was instead tabled in the Republic of Ireland.