Friday, September 18th, 2020

12 Steps To Create Your Own Pandemic

Or How to Turn a Harmless Virus into Boundless Profits for You and Your Friends. Nils Nilsen

Here’s Why I Wouldn’t Take the Vaccine, Dr. Tam

Karen Selick

Why US Wildfires Hit California More Than the South

Jon Miltimore

From the ER to the High School Football Field, People Want the Response to Covid-19 To Be Evidence-based, Not Political


Open Letter From Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media


China Is Killing the Dollar

Alasdair Macleod

Interview on Radio Voice America

Dmitry Orlov

What a Joke

Establishment Covid talk.

I See a Ray of Light

Chuck Baldwin

Governments Will Impose New Lockdowns If They Think They Can Get Away With It

Ryan McMaken

How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Trump

Jack Cashill

To Trump Aides: You Have no Idea How deep the CDC Scandals Go

Jon Rappoport

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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