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Indiana’s known for setting records. And today, our pro-life governor and our pro-life federal administration announced perhaps Indiana’s most meaningful record yet:

Indiana is now the top state in the ENTIRE NATION for increasing the number of children adopted from foster care.
In fiscal year 2019, 2,489 Hoosier children were adopted through the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS).

WATCH & SHARE: Gov. Holcomb Announces Adoption Record

“I make a lot of jobs announcements, and those in many respects pale in comparison to the impact that 2,489 number is having on the families in our state and the true opportunities people will have to realize their God-given talents and their future.”
-Governor Holcomb

Setting a national record like this doesn’t just happen – it takes intentional action, and a commitment from top leaders. Thankfully, Governor Holcomb is leading the charge, as he made increasing adoptions a key priority in his Next Level Agenda. Here’s how:

  • Gov. Holcomb created the first adoption unit within DCS. Each region has gained additional staff whose sole focus is to assist family case managers with finding permanent homes for children when parental rights have been terminated.
  • DCS has more than doubled the number of adoption consultants in Indiana from seven to 19 and provided specialized training.
  • The agency also launched an enhanced database for better tracking of adoption inquiries and a digital picture book of Indiana’s Waiting Children.
  • DCS is looking at identifying barriers to adoption and additional strategies to remove them through the Adoption Rapid Permanency Review.
Because of Indiana’s record-breaking year for increasing children adopted from foster care, today the Trump Administration is awarding Indiana $4.7 million to continue to enhance our child welfare system – helping even more Hoosier children in need.
“Every child deserves to have people who will love and support them forever, so we’ve set out to ensure each is a part of a permanent, loving family. With more than a thousand kids in Indiana who are still waiting to be adopted, we appreciate our federal partners’ continued support as we pursue forever homes for each and every one.”
-Governor Holcomb
And, of course, this is in addition to Indiana’s incredible work lowering our infant mortality rate today to its lowest point in six years, having decreased from 7.3 to 6.8 deaths per 1,000 live births. This translates to saving real lives.

Thank you, Governor Holcomb, for your leadership – and for your commitment to Indiana’s kids.

-Indiana Republican Party

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