Dear John,
I hope this finds you well during these trying times.
If you’re like me, you need all the contact with the people you love right now that you can get. And given the shocking increase in childhood hunger this year, why not host a Friendsgiving® for No Kid Hungry celebration with those you love.
Every $50 you and your friends raise can provide up to 500 meals for hungry kids.*
You can have a nice in-person social-distanced event or a Zoom gathering. Make it a traditional Thanksgiving meal, a potluck or a cocktail party. It’s up to you. Plan any kind of party, virtual or otherwise, and No Kid Hungry will support you every step of the way. You'll get a virtual Friendsgiving toolkit to help turn your party into a successful fundraiser—including a planning checklist, fundraising tips and ideas, success stories from last year’s hosts, celebration décor and more.
Join us by signing up to host a Friendsgiving® for No Kid Hungry.

Jessica Bomberg Friendsgiving for No Kid Hungry
*$1 can provide up to 10 meals. Meal equivalency varies during COVID-19 relief. Learn more at NoKidHungry.org/OneDollar.