Hello —

My Republican opponent is up with a new TV ad this week lying to Coloradans and promising to protect people with pre-existing conditions.

Can you believe this guy?

This is the same Cory Gardner whose cowardly silence against Trump and McConnell’s dangerous agenda has threatened millions of lives. The same Cory Gardner who has voted at least thirteen times to repeal, block, or defund the Affordable Care Act, which protects people with pre-existing conditions.

The nerve!

Unlike Gardner, I will fight every day to make sure all Americans have affordable health insurance that protects the tens of millions of people living with pre-existing conditions. Period.

First, we need to win this race and end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority for good. Can I count on you to add a contribution of any amount to our campaign today? Every dollar will help us flip this seat so I can fight for our health care in the Senate next year:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Gardner can flap all he wants about protecting those with pre-existing conditions, but when it came time to stand up his own party’s shameless attacks on the Affordable Care Act, he choked.

Cory Gardner has turned his back on us during this pandemic — leaving Colorado’s most vulnerable families to fend for themselves.

It’s time for new leadership. Let’s get the job done.

— John