Hi CLCV Member,

We need your help to urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 995, legislation that will protect communities from exposure to toxic pollution. 

The state has largely been unable to fulfill their mandated responsibilities to protect people from environmental hazards and clean up hazardous sites. Why? Because the state department in charge of these important tasks, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, is incredibly under-resourced. This is a huge problem and we can’t continue to wait to solve this.

We need you to call Governor Newsom NOW to urge him to sign AB 995 into law to protect the health of Californians!

AB 995 establishes a Board of Environmental Safety, requires the state to create an up-to-date Hazardous Waste Management Plan, and improves the permitting process to ensure that environmental safety laws are being followed.

These changes will bring more accountability and transparency to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and take significant steps to ensuring that the department is doing its job to protect people from toxic exposure and clean up toxic sites. Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, the author of the bill, knows all too well the consequences of the lack of enforcement of hazardous waste laws and the state’s inability to properly clean up toxic pollution. She represents the community poisoned by lead from the Exide battery recycling plant in Vernon, California. 

Without AB 995, communities living near toxic sites will continue to be in danger. We need the Governor to sign AB 995 before September 30th.

Can we count on you to call the Governor to ask him to sign AB 995 into law?


Melissa Romero 
Legislative Affairs Manager
California League of Conservation Voters




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