Let’s get Stephen’s name out there.

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020


We need your help. We’re less than 50 days out from Election Day, and we need to reach every single voter in the district. We’re setting a goal of $15,000 for our Digital Ad Fund. Pitch in $15 or whatever you can so to help us reach voters in every single corner of our district >>>

We know that Stephen has the experience and the chops to fight for affordable and accessible healthcare and build an economy that works for all Texans. Now we need to get the word out to the rest of the district.

We’re launching an ad campaign across social media platforms to get this message out, but running ads across the district isn’t cheap. Pitch in $15 or whatever you can to Stephen’s Digital Ad Fund >>>>

Donate to Stephen’s digital ad fund.

The thing is, team — the Texas GOP is backed by big corporate interests and dark money. We can’t let them drown out our message before the election. Let’s make sure everyone hears what Stephen is about before Election Day.

Pitch in $15 or whatever you can to our $15,000 Digital Ad Fund >>>

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Team Daniel



Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded. Please join him by making a donation to his campaign today.