"The end result was a bunch of statements in support of global peace of the type normally made by winners of the Miss Universe pageant – which was once presided over by the same man who presided over these peace initiatives, U.S. President Donald Trump."
Noa Landau, Haaretz's diplomatic reporter, on the elements of the Israel-UAE-Bahrain agreements directly related to peace. White House Peace Deals Are as Vacuous as Miss Universe Statements, and That's by Design.
September 14, 2020 - On Arab solidarity and Israeli solidarity
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Q. On Tuesday of this week, PM Netanyahu signed normalization treaties with the UAE and Bahrain. Last week the Arab League rejected a Palestinian demand to condemn these treaties. What are the strategic ramifications for Israel, the Palestinians and the region?
A. ...these are not peace treaties even if that is how these normalization agreements are deceptively billed by Mssrs. Trump and Netanyahu for their own domestic political purposes...
Q. How has the anger played out so far?
A. Iran is threatening to incite Bahrain’s Shi’ite majority...
Q. And the Palestinians?
A. They are angry and frustrated, but isolated...
Q. Meanwhile, back in Israel, the country is entering a corona lockdown this Friday for at least the extent of the Jewish High Holidays, which begin Friday evening. Unlike a previous lockdown last Spring, large sectors of the population are angrily threatening non-compliance. Why?
A. The lockdown reflects the failure of the Netanyahu government to manage the corona epidemic...
Q. On a related note, Netanyahu has not blatantly lied to the Israeli public about corona the way we now know (thanks to Bob Woodward) Trump did beginning back in February 2020. Is there an Israel-Arab link to Trump’s insistence that telling the truth about the pandemic should be avoided because it would be bad for public morale (meaning, presumably, the stock market)?
A. Here, to conclude, is an anecdote that illustrates the centrality of false optimism...
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bills, Resolutions, and Letters
- Hearings and Markups
- On the Record
JTA: "Normalizing relations with the UAE does nothing to help fix Israel’s existential problems"
by Hadar Susskind, APN President and CEO
"...Normalization with the UAE and Bahrain is great for the venture capitalists who will benefit from it, but does nothing to remedy Israel’s existential problem: its conflict with the Palestinians and the occupation that does so much damage."
We Welcome The New Year And The Change We Hope It Brings
"The 2020 High Holidays will be an experience unlike any the Jewish community has seen in at least a hundred years. With a pandemic raging, we will be unable to gather as we usually do-to pray, to mourn, to celebrate, to atone, to be together as we set out a path for the new year."
Go HERE to read the letter, with an intro note from APN Board Member Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Event
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Special Guests and Musical Artists To Be Announced Soon - Register to Attend!
APN's live-streamed and free event will honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and highlight the relevance and importance of his leadership for us today.
Actor, activist, and APN board member Mandy Patinkin will host this event to remember the life and legacy of Prime Minister Yitzkah Rabin and highlight the relevance and importance of his leadership for us today.
Go HERE to see Mandy Patinkin's invitation video and register to attend.
Peace Now activists met Prime Minister Netanyahu at the airport upon his return from Washsington and the ceremony with UAE and Bahrain.
Signs say: "Save the Country, fight corruption" and "Ya'alla [lets go] to Ramallah" - urging him to take up peace talks with the Palestinians.
This is a tough time for all of us, and the demands placed upon you are considerable. As APN’s financial obligations continue, including, among others, our support of our Peace Now colleagues in Israel, please consider making a donation now. Thank you.