Hi Friend,
Even in the face of serious challenges this year, supporters like you have ensured that Population Connection’s work could continue unabated. I am deeply grateful to you for your continued commitment to stabilizing global population.
We’re all facing dire threats together—the rise of zoonotic pathogens, our world’s increasing climate crisis, and the continued inequity for marginalized populations around the world.
You understand that global population growth makes each of these challenges that much harder to overcome.
That’s why I’m writing to you today. As a loyal advocate, you know just how critical it is to expand access to reproductive health care for people everywhere. It’s a human rights imperative … and it will put us all on a path toward a healthier, safer, less-crowded world.
Friend, I hope you will take part in one positive challenge this summer: a matching gift challenge issued by a trio of Population Connection donors.
This group of generous donors want to inspire YOU to make your gift toward efforts to curb population growth, by matching your donation of $35.00 to Population Connection, dollar for dollar, with an equal gift of their own to Population Connection Action Fund.
So far, we’ve raised over $150,000 toward their $175,000 goal. The deadline has been extended to make sure we'll hit their target, and there’s just enough time for YOU to take the opportunity to double your impact on our programs. Please, join this campaign by making your own generous contribution before September 30th.
Remember, the impact of your generous, tax-deductible gift of $35.00 to Population Connection will be DOUBLED, up to $175,000.
This is your chance to accept one challenge with a positive outcome … one that’s sure to contribute toward a more just and sustainable future for us all. But please hurry! Our extended summer matching gift challenge ends on September 30th. Thank you, so much, for all that you do. We truly appreciate YOU!
Best wishes,

Shauna Scherer
VP for Marketing and Development