Did you see this op-ed in the Washington Post? Jennifer Rubin predicts that Democrats will flip even more seats blue in November.
As someone who reads a lot of polls, lemme tell you: she’s right.
Here’s the thing, NewDems were responsible for turning the House blue in the first place. In 2018, NewDems flipped 32 of the 40 net seats that flipped from red to blue. We ushered in the Democratic Majority. That allowed Democrats to take the Speaker’s gavel and put a firm check on President Trump’s agenda.
Our Members are defending some of the most competitive seats in the House and our candidates are putting in the work to flip even more seats and expand our Majority. People need to know we have the momentum.
Will you share the news that Democrats are on track to expand our Majority in the House?
We know what it takes to win in purple and red districts. And we’re on track to do it again. Check out the op-ed and share it with your family and friends.
- Victoria
Deputy Political Director
NewDem Action Fund