John --
Did you know?: More than half of Latinxs who were eligible to vote in the 2016 general election ... didn’t. That’s a hard truth -- because if all those people had voted, there’s a good chance Donald Trump wouldn’t be our president right now.
This year, there will be even more eligible Latinx voters than there were in 2016: at least 32 million in total. We’re the biggest ethnic minority ever to have a say in a presidential election. So we absolutely need to show up. That’s especially true in critical swing states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas where we have super impactful voices -- if we choose to use them.
We can’t change the past, but we can decide our future. Will you chip in and help us make sure history doesn’t repeat itself this November?
We’ve registered 300,000 new voters, and we need your support to keep going strong all the way until the election. Can we count on you to pitch in now, while there’s still time, to make sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of 2016?
Thank you so much,
Your friends at Voto Latino