I was honored to join thousands of Our Revolution members all over the country last week on a national call, where we discussed our plan to turn our progressive ideas into laws. For far too long, big money and the legacy of racism have supported structural barriers blocking progressive reform in Congress. In the Senate, where I work, arcane rules like the filibuster make it impossible for our policy priorities to get a vote. Practically, that means that even a Senate Democratic majority will not be able to act to provide desperately needed COVID-19 relief, enact Medicare for All, address climate change, take big money out of politics, and on and on. That’s why we must fight back to restore democracy. Sign here to support Senate rules reform and demand that our major issues get a vote.
The many crises we face are too big to allow Mitch McConnell and a minority representing the wealthy and powerful to stand in the way of action. I don’t want to have to look future generations in the eye and say we did nothing as our planet and our democracy were destroyed.
That’s why I’m proud to fight alongside Our Revolution to build a movement to change Senate rules. The current rules stand in the way of the future we deserve: one where every American is treated with dignity and has a meaningful voice in government that’s not drowned out by special interests.
Add your name here to stand with us in supporting structural reform in the Senate that will allow the people’s priorities to become law! Thank you, Senator Jeff Merkley
