Hi John, 

Have you ever felt like the system was rigged against you? That the rules keep getting rewritten to benefit those who want to hurt you? And that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t win? The latest guest on my podcast, Pulitzer Prize winner Glenn Greenwald, has been exposing systems like this his entire life. But for the first time, he’s now explaining his personal story of transformation–and it’s a powerful one. 

Listen to my latest episode of “The Green Pill” with guest Glenn Greenwald

In our conversation, I wanted to understand how Glenn got to this point. What led him to challenge a broken system with such courage and dedication -- even in the face of death threats to his family?

We dug deep into Glenn's adolescent upbringing, unearthing his struggles as a gay kid in Florida, his rambunctious teenage years and failed run for political office, his double life as a corporate lawyer and radical gay rights activist, and his transition to exposing The Game-That-We-Call-The-Justice-System for what it is: a fraud.

We talk about how Glenn’s own sense of being different transformed from a source of shame to a source of pride, and the connection between these kinds of powerful personal transformations and the ways that we transform the world around us. 

Have you experienced a big switch in your life? Those are the moments we’re exploring on “The Green Pill” to shed light on ourselves, our fellow human beings, and the nature of social and political transformation for which our planet is in dire need. 

Take the Green Pill and explore with us. Listen to the podcast here.


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