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We are losing the fight for American prosperity. As the election is getting closer we are seeing some of the tightest races ever.
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We are losing the fight for American prosperity.  

As the election is getting closer we are seeing some of the tightest races ever. These last few months are going to be the toughest yet, and we cannot afford to lose.   

We need all the help we can get to ensure we have conservative leaders in charge helping us through this pandemic. Can you pitch in $10 today?

Losing this fight would result in the Democrats trying to lead us through this pandemic. This is something we all know will never happen with Chuck Schumer in charge. After seeing their plans for recovery it is clear they are only capable of government handouts and blaming others for their problems.

We need leaders that are focused on rebuilding our economy. We need leaders who will take responsibility and come up with common sense solutions to help Americans through this challenging time.

Chuck Schumer has never been capable of that kind of leadership. We cannot afford to lose this election, our jobs and livelihoods depend on it.

Will you help us protect our future and win this fight for American prosperity?

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Your support is helping us win this fight for our future. We are fighting so that every single member of our communities has their voice represented. We are fighting to help grow our economy and get Americans back to work. We believe this is worth fighting for, and your support helps make it possible.

Thank you,

Team Toomey

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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