We are thinking about going big with a strategy of distributing masks in key states

Friend...studies show that one of the most effective ways of campaigning is "relational organizing" where highly-motivated activists like you communicate with others in your direct network to give nudges to do things like early voting.

We are thinking about going big with a strategy of distributing masks in key states that say things like: "When they go low, we VOTE EARLY!" and "#DONE I Voted Early!"

But first, we need to know if people like you would actually wear the mask. Could you take our super quick survey to help us improve our thinking about this idea? Click here.

Thanks so much.

-- The PCCC Election Protection Team

P.S. This is part of our larger election protection plan to avoid a stolen election, which is being praised by experts. You can donate to our plan, and a generous donor who loves our plan has agreed to match grassroots donations 2 to 1!





Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.