
The window is closing fast for Texans to register to vote in time for this year's pivotal election. This election is going to come down to the wire and every single vote is going to matter in determining the results. 

Team Bucy is planning regular contactless Voter Registration literature drops in some key areas in the county and we need a lot more help than is currently signed up. The literature comes printed on some nifty door hangers which will allow us to safely leave them on doors without knocking or having to come in contact with households. Please sign up for this Saturday's efforts using this link: https://www.mobilize.us/johnbucyfortexashousedistrict136/event/318396/

If you are unable to volunteer in this capacity or would like to assist us through additional mediums, please join us in writing postcards to Wilco Voters about the importance of getting involved in this year's election by signing up here: https://forms.gle/9KQZuRr258waHrpj6

Thank you for your support, we hope to see you soon!

It is an honor to give
my best,
xxxxxx Bradfield

Deputy Campaign Manager
John Bucy for Texas | https://bucyfortexas.com/