From Daniel Reeves, Center for Science & Culture <[email protected]>
Subject Now is the time to Equip Educators!
Date September 17, 2020 2:00 PM
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Now is the time to equip parents and educators with the truth of intelligent design.

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September 17, 2020

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Dear Jack,

School days have begun in earnest, and it should come as no surprise that the process of education has changed greatly in the last six months because of COVID-19. Thankfully, there is a silver lining to the cloud of changes being experienced—ALL ACROSS THE US PARENTS ARE NOW TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE TAUGHT ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF LIFE AND THE UNIVERSE.​​​​​​

As they listen in on classes conducted via web conferencing they get a first-hand look at how our children are being taught that they are the result of blind and purposeless processes. When they review the science textbooks, they see pictures of the outdated Miller-Urey experiment still claiming to support the fortuitous origin of life. They find manipulated pictures of peppered moths professing evidence of rapid natural selection, and Haeckel's fallacious drawings of embryos claiming evidence of common ancestry. PERHAPS FOR THE FIRST TIME, THEY NOW REALIZE THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE NOT GETTING THE FULL STORY.

This presents a unique opportunity for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture to reach the parents of homeschool, private school, and even public school youth with the truth of intelligent design.

Our goal over the next year is to increase our outreach to homeschool and private school educators, as well as parents who are looking to supplement their children’s public school education. WE SEEK YOUR FULL SUPPORT AS WE EMBARK UPON THIS ENDEAVOR.

Center for Science and Culture scholars and scientists have developed a wealth of scientifically persuasive and rigorously argued books, articles, and films over the last 24 years. From books by STEPHEN C. MEYER, MICHAEL DENTON, and JONATHAN WELLS, curricula such as _DISCOVERING INTELLIGENT DESIGN_ and _EXPLORE EVOLUTION_, to the _SCIENCE UPRISING_ and _SECRETS OF THE CELL WITH MICHAEL BEHE_ series on YouTube, there is much from which to choose.

Too few know about these resources, especially among parents and young people. Too few are aware of the scientific problems confronting Darwinian evolution or of the powerful evidence for the intelligent design of life and the universe. THEY NEED TO BE EQUIPPED WITH THE TRUTH!

By giving to our educational outreach campaign, you will be promoting our wide range of books and videos to a broad audience. You’ll reach children, youth, and young adults, as well as parents and educators, pastors, and lay-people with these powerful, evidence-based resources.


Your gift of any size will make an impact today.


Daniel Reeves
Educational Outreach Coordinator
Center for Science and Culture

P.S. With a gift of $25 or more ([link removed]) we will send you a printed copy of our _Educators Briefing Packet on Intelligent Design_. This is a great resource for you or your favorite educator!

Donate to the CSC ([link removed])


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