Just 3 Days Left: Are You Ready?

There are only 3 days left until the first Voter Registration Sunday! Are you ready? Here’s what you need to know:
- 25 million Christians didn’t vote in the last presidential election – and an estimated 15 million aren’t even registered.
As Christians, we are called to be engaged in our communities for their good (Jeremiah 29:7) and to fulfill our civic obligations (Romans 13). Voting is a way we can live out both of those Biblical commands!
Sadly, millions of Christian Americans aren’t registered to vote – so it’s no wonder that atheists are the most politically active “religious” group in our country.
How can you help change this trend? Help members of your church get registered by hosting a Voter Registration Sunday!
To make it easy, we’ve designated both September 20 and October 4 as Voter Registration Sundays.* September 20 is just three days away, so be sure to take action now if you plan to participate then!
If you live in AK, MT, RI, SC, or UT, you will need to participate in September to meet your state’s voter registration deadline. We also strongly encourage you to consider this option if you the following states, because these states require registrations to be postmarked immediately after the October date: AR, AZ, FL, GA, HI, IL*, IN, KY, LA, MS, NM*, NV*, OH, TN, TX.
(*state deadline falls on 10/6. All other listed states’ deadlines are 10/5. For both cases, we encourage you to choose September or to postmark/urge congregants to postmark registrations immediately on 10/5 should you choose the October option.)
- Hosting a Voter Registration Sunday at your church is an easy, legal, and biblical way to ensure your church members are registered to vote in time for the election!
Voter Registration Sunday is simple when you use our short, downloadable guide.
As you consider how to ask your church leadership about hosting the registration, here are a few things you might share with them:
- Voting – and voter registration – are biblical! (see above)
- Voter registration is legal! The IRS allows your church to host a non-partisan voter registration! More details in our downloadable guide.
- It’s easy and can be as direct or passive as your leadership is comfortable with (though the more direct, the better the outcomes). See below for more details!
- You can design your Voter Registration Sunday to meet your church’s needs.
Whether your church is meeting online, in person but contactless, back to normal, or some combination of the three, there’s a Voter Registration Sunday tool for every need! Just be sure to ask your church leadership ahead of time and ensure that the date(s) you host are before your state’s registration deadlines (see above).
You can even make use of our custom QR code to help people directly start the registration process right away! All the details are in our guide.
Want to learn more and help spread the word? Visit our Facebook event and respond “interested” or “going” and you’ll get all the updates you need! Share the event with friends so they can host the registration at their own church, plan to participate at your church, or even register themselves through our online tool!
This election, it’s critical that Christians show up to the polls to elect leaders who will “seek the welfare of the city” (and the nation!). Will you help us make sure they are ready to do that?
 Meridian Baldacci Policy and Communications Strategist