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Living in recovery

Celebrate Your Journey (and Your Pain)

You came from peril and pain to hopeful recovery. This National Recovery Month, you should stop and take a moment (or a month) to appreciate what that means. Give yourself credit for the never-ending composure and strength you muster. After all, you’ve outlasted addiction, you’re tireless in your commitments and you’ve built a better life. And you need to acknowledge all the progress you’ve made.

Sometimes, when our lives overflow with the subtle joys and rewards of ongoing recovery, we forget how far we’ve come. But we deserve credit: we continually transform adversity into something productive. Tune into our live panel discussion on September 29 to learn how the recovery community continues to adapt during the pandemic. And use your pain as a token for progress.

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Before You Walk, Stand Tall

In recovery, we stand before we walk. Meaning we relearn the foundations of purposeful living and we recommit to the people we cherish. Only then will our good actions follow. Take this moment to reflect on the wise words of Bill P., Todd W. and Sara S., and unburden your journey from the pressing weight of negativity.

Better Manage All Your Triggers and Cravings

For those of us who have grown comfortable in our recoveries, the unexpected arrival of alcohol cravings can be really disorienting. Ultimately, cravings are not our fault. They're a natural symptom of addiction. Learn about the different types of cravings, and discuss our best options to beat those cravings and refocus on the natural, long-lasting rewards of recovery.

Free Resources For Your Daily Practices

As our lives continue to be disrupted, one thing is constant: recovery is a daily priority. We’ve collected free resources including podcasts, speakers, online meetings and apps for convenient, easy-to-use recovery management.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or other drugs, call today for help.


For emergencies or other immediate needs, confidential resources are always available. The National Suicide Hotline can help with crisis situations.


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Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
15251 Pleasant Valley Rd.
PO Box 11 RW19
Center City, MN 55012-0011