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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 17 September


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Yousaf promises Holyrood statement on Hate Crime Bill amid signs of retreat

Humza Yousaf has signalled a retreat on the SNP's Hate Crime Bill, saying he plans to update Holyrood through a special ministerial statement.

The Herald


'Is the Scottish Parliament out of touch with public opinion?'

"If you think freedom of speech is an 'important right' you are in the majority. A poll, published in the same week the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill was discussed in Holyrood, revealed that 87% share that view."

Evening Telegraph


Christian charity which focuses on 'unwanted gay desires' gets backing from online petition

More than 66,000 online signatures have been added to a petition defending the charity Core Issues Trust, amid a campaign by activists opposed to "gay conversion therapy".

News Letter


Religious leaders plead with PM to ban 'conversion therapy'

Religious leaders in the UK and Ireland have called on Boris Johnson to "urgently" ban 'conversion therapy' in an open letter.

Pink News


US: Federal court injunction prohibits Tennessee school district from pushing religion on students

A federal court has filed an injunction prohibiting a Tennessee school district from imposing religion on students.

FOX 17


US: State House votes to bar shutting down churches in disasters

The Pennsylvania House on Tuesday passed a bill that would prevent governors from applying their disease control powers to shut down gatherings at churches or other houses of worship.

Associated Press


Circumcision is a racist experiment on black boys, says study

A study has dismissed World Health Organisation-recommended campaigns to circumcise millions of African boys and men to reduce HIV transmission as systemic racism and 'neo-colonialism' rather than sound scientific research.



Vatican extends deal with China on bishop appointments despite religious freedom concerns

The Vatican has signed off on a two-year extension to a deal made with Beijing on the appointment of bishops.

Premier Christian News


Barbados pledges same-sex marriage vote, but supporters doubt reform

The island nation of Barbados has pledged to put same-sex marriage to a public vote, but campaigners said on Wednesday they were wary about any hope of major reform in a nation that still has laws punishing sex between men on its books.



'Je Suis Charlie and the legacy of jihadism'

Jihadism is not leaving anytime soon, and we need to understand it so we can better fight it, says David Patrikarakos.

The Spectator


New NSS podcast


Ep 34: Freedom and fairness in marriage law

In this episode, Emma Park speaks to Stephen Evans and Megan Manson from the NSS team about marriage law reform in England and Wales.



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Note: Yesterday's media briefing suggested a proposed assisted dying bill had been tabled in Northern Ireland. It was instead tabled in the Republic of Ireland.

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