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"If you think freedom of speech is an 'important right' you are in the majority. A poll, published in the same week the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill was discussed in Holyrood, revealed that 87% share that view."
More than 66,000 online signatures have been added to a petition defending the charity Core Issues Trust, amid a campaign by activists opposed to "gay conversion therapy".
The Pennsylvania House on Tuesday passed a bill that would prevent governors from applying their disease control powers to shut down gatherings at churches or other houses of worship.
A study has dismissed World Health Organisation-recommended campaigns to circumcise millions of African boys and men to reduce HIV transmission as systemic racism and 'neo-colonialism' rather than sound scientific research.
The island nation of Barbados has pledged to put same-sex marriage to a public vote, but campaigners said on Wednesday they were wary about any hope of major reform in a nation that still has laws punishing sex between men on its books.
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Note: Yesterday's media briefing suggested a proposed assisted dying bill had been tabled in Northern Ireland. It was instead tabled in the Republic of Ireland.