
mySociety news

September 2019


FOI and the Irish border

We're all aware of the Irish border issue — but how many of us understand precisely what it entails, beyond trade and customs implications?

WhatDoTheyKnow user Jon Rush explains how he took a request to the brink of tribunal in order to have that information released to the public — and now that it has been, what it tells us about life after Brexit.


Service bundles, super users and neighbourhoods

Can FixMyStreet be looked at as a number of different services — a pothole reporting site; a graffiti reporting site; a littering reporting site, etc — and if so, what does that tell us about how it's used?

That's the focus of the first in a series of research reports by Alex: in his other recent posts, you'll also find out that 0.1% of FixMyStreet users generate 16% of reports; and thoughts on the definition of a 'neighbourhood'.

Legal Information Institutes

The research team recently visited several sub-Saharan African countries to assess the impacts of LIIs — Legal Information Institutes, which exist to provide free access to the laws of the land. You can find the resulting report here.

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mySociety services like FixMyStreet, TheyWorkForYou and WhatDoTheyKnow are used by millions of people a year, but we receive very little funding for our core services in the UK. If you find our services useful and are able, please consider making a regular or one-off donation.

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Empowering residents of tower blocks

We've been working with Tower Blocks UK to explore how residents across the country could have more input into the management of their buildings.

If you live in a tower block, read our post to discover how you can help inform the services we're developing.

New FixMyStreet services

We're delighted to say that FixMyStreet Pro is now the official reporting service for both Hounslow and Westminster, the latest authorities to come on board.

Although the end result is always the same — smooth reporting for residents, and full integration with council services — the installation process is always unique. Read more about how we approached the Westminster FixMyStreet here, and how Hounslow's FixMyStreet came together here.



TICTeC Local

For those using technology in local government and communities

TICTeC LocalThis November, TICTeC Local comes to City Hall in London. If you use tech in communities or local government, consider submitting a proposal for a workshop or presentation. But hurry! Submissions close at midnight tomorrow.

Did you know that you can subscribe to our special interest newsletters too? Get an extra monthly bulletin on Democracy & Campaigning, Freedom of Information, Better Cities & Councils, or Research. Pick and choose your mySociety newsletters here.

Got something to tell your MP?

WritetoThemThere's certainly been a lot to talk about recently! If you'd like a quick and easy way to send a message to your MP, don't forget that WriteToThem makes it super simple.

WriteToThem can also be placed on any website: here's how.

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Image credits: Irish border - Andrein, CC BY-SA 3.0; Dog - Elias Costillo; LII files - Gemma Moulder; Tower Blocks workshop - London Tenants' Federation; Hounslow Nigel Thompson CC by-sa/2.0;

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