This could save a life.

Hi John,


America’s deadliest shootings are ones we don’t talk about. They're gun suicides.


Over half of all gun deaths in America are suicides. Guns are by far the deadliest method of suicide — an overwhelming 90% of suicide attempts with a gun are fatal, compared to only 4% of suicide attempts with other methods. Most suicide attempts are undertaken impulsively during moments of temporary crisis. But when someone attempts suicide with a gun, they rarely get a second chance to live a full life.


We need to talk about gun suicide, so we can talk about how to prevent it. That's why, as a part of Suicide Prevention Month, we've launched a new End Family Fire campaign on how we can protect our loved ones and prevent gun suicide.


Watch our new video, "No Extra Life."

[Trigger Warning: The video is very powerful and can be hard to watch, as it portrays a life-or-death scenario that too many Americans have faced.]


Our new public service awareness (PSA) campaign — which consists of TV and video spots, radio, billboards, print and digital ads, and more — immerses the viewer in the first-person perspective of a video game to highlight the fact that “with gun suicide, there is no extra life.” Our message motivates gun owners to store their guns locked, unloaded, and separately from ammunition — thereby giving their loved ones a second chance at life.

Watch "No Extra Life," our new PSA on suicide prevention.




This PSA campaign is a lot to take in — especially for those of us who have lost loved ones to gun suicide. But it's vital that we talk about it. Because we know that delaying someone’s access to a gun by even a few moments — by storing guns unloaded, locked, and separately from ammunition — can give them a second chance at life. The second chance is real. The vast majority of people who survive a suicide attempt – over 90%, in fact – do not go on to die by suicide. 


The solution is clear: Safe storage saves lives. Together, we can protect our loved ones. Together, we can prevent temporary crises from becoming permanent tragedies. Please, will you share our new PSA so that this lifesaving message can reach even more people during Suicide Prevention Month?


Please be sure to visit, where you can learn more about our End Family Fire program and find tips on safe firearm storage and how you can make your home safer.  

As always, thank you for your support and advocacy. 

In solidarity,


Cordy Galligan
Vice President of Communications, Brady 


Make a tax-deductible donation to Brady.
Our goal at Brady is to reduce gun deaths 25% by 2025. Thanks to our incredible supporters like you, we know we can do it.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please call the free and confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741. Help is on the other end of the line.