Tell your Representatives to endorse sensible heat protections TODAY!!!

Dear John,

It’s time to cool things down for workers. Eighteen of the last nineteen hottest years on record have occurred since 2001 and this year is on track to continue that trend. The effects of this heat are being felt by everyone, but it is workers on the front lines, working in the fields, on construction sites, or cleaning up after more frequent and powerful storms who are the most impacted.

As you read headlines about record breaking temperatures, it might surprise you to know that there is no national standard for conditions when working in the heat. It’s time to change that!

This legislation would ensure that workers would have access to water, rest breaks in shaded or climate-controlled spaces, a plan to help workers adjust to the heat, training, anti-retaliation rights, and other measures.

In Solidarity,

Julian Medrano
Director of Public Policy

*This is a joint petition with Interfaith Power and Light, an organization that mobilizes people of conscience and faith to take bold steps in combating climate change. All contact information will be shared between Interfaith Worker Justice and Interfaith Power and Light. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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