Rocks don't care if they break. The very concepts of proofreading and repair imply accuracy for a purpose. 

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September 16, 2020
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In Cells, Proofreading and Repair Testify to Intelligent Design and Foresight

Rocks don’t care if they break. The very concepts of proofreading and repair imply accuracy for a purpose. In cells, complex multi-part machines find errors and fix them. Is this not evidence of intentionality and programming?

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The Astonishing Properties of Sunlight That Make Us Possible

We associate light with the radiant beams that make the world visible to us. But the visible spectrum is only a tiny percentage of an electromagnetic spectrum that extends unimaginably far in both directions. And, as biologist Michael Denton carefully documents, that tiny band of visual light is crucial to life on Earth. 

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The Human Brain has Given Researchers a Big Surprise

Gray matter isn't the big story. Connection—the connectome—is the astonishing feature of the brain. Mapping the “connectome” — all the connections in the brain—researchers expected a huge, random tangle. They found a street map.

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Ouch, Huge Sky Survey Shows "No Alien Technosignature"

Materialists require a very different scenario, where life, including intelligent life, springs up like weeds, without purpose, reflecting no such design. One famous estimate predicts “a million civilizations in our galaxy at or beyond the earth’s present level of technological development.” In an unplanned cosmos, alien intelligence ought to be evident and discoverable.

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Are Darwinists Backing Away from Falsification?

Back in March, the prominent science journal BioEssays called for government-backed Internet censorship of intelligent design proponents, mentioning those at Evolution News in particular. What set off the author of the article, Dave Speijer? It was a post here by Paul Nelson on “Popperian falsification.”

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Official Launch of “The Miracle of the Cell” by Michael Denton
October 21, 2020
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Stephen Meyer Refutes "God of the Gaps" Objection to Intelligent Design
2013 European Leadership Forum in Poland
Scientists are Clueless on the Origin of Life
Dr. James Tour, Lecture at Andrews University
Michael Egnor Shows You're Not a Meat Robot
Science Uprising Episode 2

IDTF  ID the Future
  CSC Podcast

James Tour and Stephen Meyer on the Origin of Life, Pt. 1
September 14, 2020
Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley
September 11, 2020
Intelligent Design: The Canary in the Cancel Culture Coal Mine
September 9, 2020
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