The most important thing we can do this fall is to defeat Donald Trump.
So, when I was asked to speak at last week's PCCC/Biden progressive phone bank on canceling student debt, I was all in!
As a Californian watching wildfires tear through my state, I am glad that this phone bank is focused on climate change. While Donald Trump continues his science and climate denial, we know urgent action on climate change is necessary.
Progressive issues are on the ballot in this election. To pass a bold, progressive agenda, step one is removing Donald Trump from the White House.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Alyssa Milano
Note from PCCC: If you're not sure about making calls for Biden, take PCCC's survey on what's important to you.

Put this critical public service announcement on your face mask: |
Don't let Trump steal the election. Vote early and encourage others to do the same. |
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