September is shaping up to be a busy month! Please join us at one of these events and get involved in drawing down our carbon emissions. As a recent study shows, US emissions may have more of a outsized impact than previously thought. Let's turn that around!
Woodinville Meaningful Movies: Ancestral Waters
September 13th - Doors open at 6:30pm, film begins at 7pm
18900 168th Ave NE, Woodinville WA 98072 (home of Northshore UCC)
“Ancestral Waters” tells the story of the Puyallup Tribe who signed the Treaty of Medicine Creek in 1854. In exchange for ceding vast areas of land to the U.S. government, the Puyallup were given a small reservation and several other benefits, one of which was the right to fish in their usual and accustomed waters. This right to fish is being threatened by a liquefied natural gas plant being built by Puget Sound Energy without permits on the Tacoma Tideflats.
The event is FREE, although donations will be gratefully accepted for the Native Daily Network and to cover WMM expenses. Sponsored by 350 Eastside.
Art Build for 9/20 Youth Climate Strike
September 18, 6:30-8:30pm
21 Acres- 13701 NE 171st St, Woodinville, Washington 98072
In lieu of a General Meeting this month, 350 Eastside is co-hosting an Art Build with 21 Acres- join us as we come together to work on art for the upcoming Global Climate Strike! Materials and snacks will be provided; you are welcome to bring both to share as well.
Global Climate Strike- Kirkland
September 20, 1:30pm
Houghton Beach Park Lawn, Kirkland - 5811 Lake Washington Blvd NE, Kirkland, WA 98033
Our house is on fire -- let's act like it. Join Washington Youth Climate Strike at Houghton Beach Park for the first Eastside climate strike. At the event, there will be speeches from youth and adult activists, an 11 minute silent peaceful protest for the 11 years we have left, and time for writing letters to our elected officials, as well as chalk art and shirt decorating. All ages are welcome, so invite your friends and family! Bring a blank T-shirt, sidewalk chalk, and a sign!
Walk to Protect & Restore the Salish Sea 2019 Climate Emergency
September 20-23, 9am -6pm
Tacoma LNG - 3302 E. 11th St, Tacoma, WA 98421
Join the Protectors of the Salish Sea’s Walk to Protect & Restore the Salish Sea! The walk will start Sept 20th, 9am at Tacoma LNG and end at the Olympia State Capitol (Sta,chas village site of Nisqually people) for the Climate Emergency Gathering at Olympia State Capital on Sept. 24th 9am. And please consider making a donation if you are able.
From the Protectors of the Salish Sea:
“In the era of a Global Climate Emergency we walk and rally for our SCHAYNEXW (Salmon People), our QELTHLOLMECHEN (Southern resident orca people), our sacred promises to the circle of life and for our Washington State representatives to declare a Climate Emergency and act upon that declaration by drafting emergency legislation terminating all fossil fuel expansion projects in the State of Washington. We walk to honor our Tribal Treaty rights as Climate Disruption illegally kills our wild salmon in the shallowing and warming rivers. We walk to breach the 4 dams on the Lower Snake River. We walk to elimainate all the open pen fish farms in Namgis and Musgamagw territories in BC. that decimate our Salish Sea wild salmon.”
Climate Emergency Gathering at Olympia State Capital
Sept. 24th, 9am
Olympia State Capitol Building, 416 Sid Snyder Ave, Olympia, WA 98501
The people of our Salish Sea are rising like the tide to protect what we love and cherish as sacred, to stand together like the trees and lift each other up and the “each other” includes our grandchildren’s grandchildren, the orca and salmon people, the tree and bird people and all the other animal people of our Salish Sea. To stand in solidarity with Salish Sea tribes to ensure their treaty rights are honored and respected and for other nations to have their unceded territories and natural laws honored and respected. Please bring signs and banners to encourage our Washington State representatives to declare a Climate Emergency and to Terminate all current and future fossil fuel expansion projects.
Comment on Tacoma LNG!
Despite opposition from the Puyallup Tribe, over 80 community organizations, and Governor Inslee, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is still working to complete their fracked gas project in Tacoma. This project is an affront to our climate, health, and safety.
PSE needs one final permit from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA). The agency is currently accepting public comments on their draft plan to issue this permit. Comment is being accepted through Sept 9.

In Hope,
350 Eastside - Phil, Lynn, Emily, Bonnie, Lin, Marilyn, & Sara