We're celebrating our 49th birthday online with a two-day Health & Financial Wealth convening Sept. 29 and 30, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (ET) both days. The online convening will feature panels discussing critical topics, like surprise medical billing, medical debt collection, telemedicine, and innovative solutions for access to health care for underrepresented consumers. (Download a PDF flyer about the events.)
Click here to register. As our only annual fundraiser, the cost to attend both days is just $50 and includes our Consumer Excellence Awards immediately following the second day of the convening. Stick around for the awards ceremony (Sept. 30 at 3 p.m. ET), when we will recognize the achievements of Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman; nonprofit healthcare advocacy organization Families USA; and Kaiser Health News.
Each year, Consumer Action holds just one fundraiser to support our work empowering consumers nationwide, especially vulnerable people, such as low- and moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers. Our education and advocacy helps consumers avoid fraud and access information needed to build a solid financial future. Please consider an annual donation of $50, which includes tickets to the Convening and Awards and all of our monthly e-newsletters, including SCAM GRAM and INSIDER.
Ken McEldowney
Executive Director
P.S. If you can give more, I’m attaching information about sponsorship benefits. Pledges can be made here on our website. Please consider sponsoring the convening and/or the awards reception.
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