, I'm excited to share the latest from CRC with you:
Will labor unions ever be allies with conservatives? ([link removed]
American Compass, a right-leaning think tank, thinks so and calls on conservatives to support organized labor. The glaring flaw in the plan is that Big Labor bosses are ideologically "woke," which means the labor groups they control are deeply entangled with the Left. If conservatives want to rescue the 40 percent or so of union households who are not left-leaning, they'll have to take a different approach, as CRC's Michael Watson explains ([link removed] here ([link removed]
How big of a splash will Arabella Advisors make in the 2020 elections? ([link removed]
If the 2018 elections are any indication, Arabella's impact this year will be massive: Arabella and its minions, who aim to tilt elections toward the Democrats, spent over $600 million in 2018 alone. The stakes -- and Arabella's cash -- will be even bigger in 2020. In ([link removed] our major update to last year's ([link removed] which first exposed the Arabella empire, CRC's Hayden Ludwig reveals the latest facts and figures on a "dark money" colossus whose funding dwarfs the combined revenues of the Democratic and Republican National Committees. Read the Fox News exclusive report here ([link removed]
What's Chairman Schiff's latest Trump conspiracy theory? ([link removed]
In his never-ending quest to leave no conspiracy theory behind, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has latched onto a complaint from a Department of Homeland Security analyst who claims Trump administration officials suppressed evidence of Russian interference in U.S. elections. If Schiff's past behavior is a guide, his committee's investigation will be "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." CRC's Ken Braun investigates the "investigator" here ([link removed]
How skeptical should donors be? ([link removed]
In his review of Calling Bullshit, CRC's Michael E. Hartmann applies the book's lessons to the world of philanthropy. He concludes that philanthropists and professionals in philanthropy need to relearn the art of skepticism. Just as in other fields, fashionable jargon "uses the language of math and science and statistics to create the impression of rigor and accuracy," while hiding flaws and outright nonsense. Donors need to develop mental habits that expose nonsense. Read his review here ([link removed]
Featured Video
The University's Shadow Activists ([link removed] seventh episode of our Architects of Woke video series, The University’s Shadow Activists, exposes the rapidly growing class of university administrators.Wonder why the costs of higher education have skyrocketed? The number of university administrators has increased 300% since the 1970s, while student enrollment and faculty have only risen by about 50%. Who has incentives to become administrators? Graduates who studied in activist university departments, making them unemployable in the private sector. Worse, administrators often receive higher pay than professors. Activist administrators also have perverse incentives to cultivate student grievances, because the less students believe they're capable of running their own lives, the more power administrators can claim.Watch the 8-minute video ([link removed]
New CRC Report ([link removed] complain about “dark money” meddling in elections, but a $600 million empire has been aiding Democrats for years with almost no scrutiny from the media or the Left. CRC first exposed this network, run by Arabella Advisors, last year. Now in The Shadow over America we continue to pull back the curtain on this vast political machine. New revelations include the start-up funders of the Sixteen Thirty Fund (Arabella’s in-house lobby shop) -- one of those funders was the notorious group ACORN ([link removed] whose left-wing activists were arrested for vote fraud in multiple states. Learn more here ([link removed]
As always, I welcome your thoughts on how we can better serve our mission of exposing the Left's activists and donors. E-mail me at SWalter@CapitalResearch.org, or call me at 202.464.2044.Best wishes,Scott Walter, President ([link removed] ([link removed]
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