Right now from the Arctic to the Amazon

Hey John,

I’m going to keep this short. Just a few weeks ago, the Nebraska Supreme Court approved a permit for the infamous Keystone XL pipeline.1 At the same time, fires are raging from the Arctic to the Amazon.

The climate crisis is not an accident. There are people responsible for this who make the decision to continue destroying our climate and communities every single day. We have to stop them.

Can you chip in $3 right now to organize millions worldwide to disrupt the status quo and demand bold climate action?

Now, more than ever, we need people of all ages to join the youth in the streets starting September 20th for the Global Climate Strike. It’s time to leverage our collective power and stop fossil fuel billionaires from destroying our communities and hold the politicians who've aided and abetted them accountable.

Anything you can give helps build this movement. Can you chip $3 in right now?

In solidarity,


P.S. Want more information on the youth-led, all-ages Global Climate Strike? Check it out here.

1 - Coalition Outraged Over Nebraska Supreme Court Decision and Committed to Fight KXL, 350.org, 350.org/press-release/nebraska-coalition-response-kxl/.

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