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Join The Conversation On Social Media
Join the Child Mind Institute Conversation
on Social Media!
This fall is full of social and emotional challenges for kids of all ages. The Child Mind Institute is here with guidance and resources for parents on how to provide children and teenagers with the compassionate support they need to navigate difficult feelings and interpersonal challenges.

Here are some highlights from the past week:


Dr. David Anderson discusses cyberbullying and supporting kids in an evolving social media environment as they head back to school -- often online. Let's Talk About Cyber Bullying:


Some kids suffer from intrusive thoughts of suicide. They're often misdiagnosed with suicidal depression, when the real issue may be OCD.


We remember this week that suicidal threats from teens and children should never be dismissed.


During this challenging time, sharing our stories can be incredibly helpful and healing. We launched for you to share your frustrations, fears, and hopes as an audio or video recording.
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