Dear John,

I’m very happy to announce the news that Luciana Berger has just joined the Liberal Democrats!

Luciana is a passionate advocate for women’s and LGBT+ rights, and she’s at the forefront of efforts to counter anti-Semitism and discrimination. I’m delighted to welcome her to the Liberal Democrats, where we can work together to stop Brexit and build a fairer, more equal society for all.

Luciana becomes the fourth MP in three months to cross the floor and join the Liberal Democrats. We’re thrilled to add her perspective, expertise and skills to our ever-growing parliamentary team.

And it’s not just MPs.

More than two thousand people have become members of the Liberal Democrats just this week - people who are watching the news in horror and have decided they want better than Boris Johnson’s Britain.

Will you take the plunge, and join the Liberal Democrats today?

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(You can find out more about joining the Liberal Democrats as a member or supporter here:

The Liberal Democrats are growing in strength as we lead the fight to Stop Brexit altogether. And with your help, we will succeed.

With best wishes


Jo Swinson
Leader of the Liberal Democrats

PS: You can read more about why Luciana has decided to join us here: (and please share this with your friends and family too!)