Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 16 September
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A prominent gay politician in Poland has compared the government's repeated attacks on the LGBT+ community to the way Jewish people were "dehumanised" in the run-up to the Second World War.
Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi will no longer be invited to events of the European Parliament's human rights prize, EU lawmakers have said in a protest over accusations of genocide of Rohingya Muslims in her country.
Victims of the 2015 attack on the satirical weekly took the stand with vivid accounts of how their colleagues were killed — and how their own lives were suddenly overturned.
Many Christian homeschooling advocates have decried public schools as "values-indoctrination centres." The reality is that much of the most popular homeschooling materials—which many of these new homeschoolers are certain to find—are their own form of indoctrination, says Elena Trueba.
About 2,000 academics from top institutions in India and abroad have signed petitions demanding federal authorities stop targeting people critical of the government as part of a widening investigation into caste clashes two years ago.
Two Nigerian filmmakers face the prospect of imprisonment if they ignore the stern warning of the authorities and proceed with the release of a movie about a lesbian relationship.
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