Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

The Science of Lockdown, Masks, & Vaccines Is Crumbling

Bill Sardi

Letter to a Left-Wing Friend

Jane Tessa Ten Brink

The Planet’s Not Angry, But the Pelosi/Newsom/Harris Climate Howlers Are Truly Dangerous

David Stockman

Pelosi’s Choice: Steal the Election or Be Destroyed

Thomas Luongo

Nearly Two Decades After 9/11, the Parallels Between the Post-Terrorist Attack ‘New Normal’ & That of Covid-19 Can’t Be Ignored

Helen Buyniski

The Grand Ohio Legal Case for Our Time

Jon Rappoport

The Devil and Karl Marx

Walter E. Williams

Virtual School Dangers: The Hazards of a Police State Education During COVID-19

John W. Whitehead

America Is Torn Apart

Paul Craig Roberts

The Fed Set the Fiercest Wildfire

Peter Schiff

Structural-Racism Hoax a Loser for Dems

Robert Ringer

Trapping Wild Pigs

Jeff Thomas

LRC Blog

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