These EMILY’s List candidates need your support to win.


By now you probably know we need to flip just four seats from red to blue in order to Flip the Senate this November.

And we can do it by electing these four pro-choice Democratic candidates endorsed by EMILY’s List: Dr. Barbara Bollier, Sara Gideon, Theresa Greenfield, and MJ Hegar.

Before I tell you more about them, will you split a contribution (only if you’re able) between these four women today to give them the resources to win their competitive races and help us take back the Senate in less than 50 days?


EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, and its grassroots community of over five million members help pro-choice Democratic women wage competitive campaigns – and win. In 2018 we flipped two Senate seats by electing Sen. Jacky Rosen in Nevada and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona, and both were backed by EMILY’s List.

In 2020, EMILY’s List is supporting four amazing women candidates in the fight to take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell and the GOP:

Dr. Barbara Bollier is a dedicated public servant and doctor running in Kansas. Dr. Bollier would be the first woman physician ever elected to the Senate, and the first Democrat to win a U.S. Senate race in Kansas for more than 90 years. With her vast medical expertise and noted ability to work across the aisle, Dr. Bollier is ready to defend and improve our health care.

Sara Gideon is serving her second term as Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives and wants to build an economy that will work for everyone. She’s made it a priority to expand access to affordable health care, stand up for a woman’s right to choose, and put the needs of working people over special interests.

Theresa Greenfield is a scrappy farm kid who has persevered through tough setbacks and wants to save the social safety net that helped her family, and preserve it for all. In the Senate, she’ll fight to protect Social Security, create a fairer economy, and invest in our public schools.

MJ Hegar is a combat veteran who has a Purple Heart and fought for women to be able to take on greater roles in the military. She will be a powerful advocate for America’s servicemembers, lead the effort to address climate change, and fight to reform our broken immigration system.

These four women have the power to flip the Senate in just 49 short days, but going up against well-funded Republican opponents, they need your help to do it.

So if it’s in your budget today, please considering chipping in a donation to these amazing candidates to help us not only take back the Senate, but send four passionate, pro-choice, Democratic women to Washington:


— Cory