Check out the latest news from the Massachusetts climate movement!
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Dear friends,

I'm Ken Kronenberg of the 350 Mass Cambridge node. I just returned from a FRRACS (Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station) motorcade and rally at the Weymouth compressor station. We slow-rolled our way past the enormous station three times; all in all, I’d say about 60 cars participated.

On Saturday I reported that a valve leak at the compressor station potentially spewed as much as 265,000 standard cubic feet of gas. (Learn more about the leak in this WBUR story.) This morning I spoke with someone who got through to Thomas Cushing, the Air Permit Chief at MassDEP. Cushing confirmed that about 200,000 standard cubic feet had leaked, along with about 30-35 pounds of volatile organic compounds. When he was asked what was going to be done about it, he responded something to the effect of, "What could be done? It’s already happened."

This monster can still be stopped. Our members know that there is a connection between the gases spewed into the atmosphere in Weymouth and the fire and high temperatures in places like California and Australia and India. Today I got the distinct feeling that the struggle isn’t over.

Ken Kronenberg
350 Mass Cambridge Node

Webinar Series Kickoff: At Long Last, Strong Climate Legislation in MassWhat's on the Table and What Can I Do?

On Beacon Hill, our persistent investment to build relationships and people power is paying off: the Massachusetts legislature is finally on the cusp of substantial climate action. Whether you’re just wondering how to get involved, or you're a seasoned veteran, there’s lots more to do! Next Monday, we're kicking off our webinar series. We’ll start with an update and motivating stories from a panel of 350 Mass members, and then we'll connect you with actions you can take right now and in the coming weeks. Sign up here. Mon, Sep 21, 7-8:30 pm.

Red Skies

This Saturday at 2pm join XRBoston to put pressure on the Massachusetts state government to act now on the climate crisis. Following the massive fires and smoke on the West Coast, we will march from the Hatch Shell on the Esplanade up to the Statehouse for a rally. We have two aims for this action, to give a space for individuals to grieve over the massive loss of life on the West Coast and to give space to demand real action from our government on the Climate Crisis. Our message is that our government at every level is failing to tackle the climate crisis, that the massive loss of life on the West Coast is due to GHG emissions, and that Climate Justice intersects with other justice issues - where you live affects how vulnerable you are to the climate emergency.
We are encouraging everyone to wear red (orange or yellow are also recommended - but color coordination is not required for participation.) Folks are welcomed to bring their own signs with personal thoughts on the wildfires.

Other 350 Mass News

Join the Transportation Working Group: 350 Mass' next Transportation Working Group meets on Thu, Sep 17, 7-9 pm. Contact John MacDougall at [email protected] if you're interested in joining.

Register for Climate Preparedness Week 2020, Sep 24-30: Join CREW (Communities Responding to Extreme Weather) for a week of virtual events about climate preparedness, including discussions with Zimbabwean women farmers on how they're coping with climate change and a discussion with Heatwave and Palaces of the People author Eric Klinenberg on the role of social infrastructure in preparing us for climate impacts. Learn more and register today!

We Need Your Photos: Do you have photos of 350 Mass members in action? We're looking for images to use on the new 350 Mass website. Please email them to [email protected]. We've already gotten some great submissions since we put the call out, but we could still use many more. Thanks so much!

Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE) team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing at [email protected] to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting letters published!
Read 350 Mass member Mary Memmott's letter in Sentinel and Enterprise: In response to ‘What kind of country will we leave our children?, Craig Thompson's letter in the Boston Herald: Climate Bill Price, Nancy Pendergast's letter, also in the Herald: Socialism Label, and Pat Konecky's letter in the Berkshire Eagle: We're not battling the climate, we're balling our effects on it. Craig Altemose also published an opinion piece in CommonWealth Magazine: Climate action key theme of primary races.

Other Climate Movement News

Tell New England Governors to Oppose Canadian Megadams: Next week, New England's governors and Eastern Canada's premiers will attend their annual conference. Our ability to address climate change, the well-being of indigenous communities, and the health of our forests and rivers is at risk of being undermined by proposed Canadian megadams. Send a message to Governor Baker now to support state and local renewable energy instead.

Tell Liberty Mutual to Choose People Over Profits: Within two weeks of the historically catastrophic Tubbs fire in California, Liberty Mutual sent notices to residents in the surrounding communities informing them that their home insurance was being withdrawn due to the high risk of wildfires. As one of the largest insurers of fossil fuel facilities, Liberty Mutual has directly contributed to the environmental conditions that foster disastrous wildfires like Tubbs. Our allies at the Rainforest Action Network have created an easy-to-use form for activists to call Liberty Mutual and demand they insure our future.

Solidarity Opportunities

Protect Boston’s Largest Project to House Residents Experiencing Homelessness: Monty Gold, a large landowner and landlord with a poor track record of keeping up his properties, has filed a lawsuit against the biggest affordable housing project for people who have experienced homelessness of its kind in Boston. The project is run by Pine Street Inn, a nationally recognized leader that operates similar facilities with excellent track records. Learn more and sign the petition here.

Keep Emergency Paid Sick Time Moving: Last week at our monthly call, we discussed and agreed to take on Raise Up Mass' Emergency Paid Sick Time campaign as our Solidarity Working Group project. The EPST legislation is currently with the Ways and Means Committee, so now is the time to push to make sure that it is favorably voted out before the end of the session. We will be leading 350 Mass' support of this campaign. If your node is interested in an in-district meeting with your legislator or interested in writing a letter to the editor, or supporting the campaign in other ways, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

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About Better Future Project and 350 Mass

Better Future Project (BFP) builds grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels. 350 Mass is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network. 

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Questions? Email Alan Palm, [email protected]
Upcoming Node Meetings
All are welcome! Use the password 350ma.
Mon, Sept 22, 7-8:30 pm
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Wed, Sept 16, 6-8 pm
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Tue, Sept 22, 7-8:30 pm
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Tue, Sept 15, 7-8:30 pm
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Cape Cod
Thu, Oct 8, 7-8:30 pm
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Charles River
Wed, Sept 16, 7-8:30 pm
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Greater Franklin
Thu, Sept 17, 7-9 pm
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Wed, Sept 16, 7-8:30 pm
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Wed, Sept 16, noon-1:30 pm
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Thu, Sept 17, 6:45-8:30 pm
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Wed, Sept 23, 7-8:30 pm
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Tue, Sept 15, 7-9 pm 
Zoom link

North Shore
Tue, Oct 6, 6:30-8:30 pm
Zoom link

South Coast
Tue, Sept 22, 7-8:30 pm
Google Meet Link

South Shore
Tue, Sep 15, 7:30-9 pm
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Upper Charles
Mon, Sep 28, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link

Sun, Sept 27, 4:15-6 pm
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