Are you registered to vote?


Are you registered to vote? I can't think of a more important question this election year, especially now that we're less than three weeks from the Oct. 5 registration deadline.

If your answer is "No, I'm not registered" — or you have recently moved and need to update your address — then we can help.

Just click the button below to request a voter registration application and TFN's Texas Rising program will send you one already pre-filled with most of your info. When it arrives, all you will need to do is verify your infomation and sign it. We'll even include an envelope and postage so you can mail it to your county's election administrator ASAP.

Get Started

This election is way too important. We can't sit this one out. Get yourself registered and to the polls!

In the fight,

Carisa Lopez
Political Director


Support Our Work

TFN is a statewide non-partisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement working toward equality and social justice.

Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
