Tune in for tonight's Turn Up Tuesday.
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What to expect in November

We know this election year feels, well, different to say the least. But know this — the United States has always held elections and upheld the results, even in times of great crisis.

Have questions about how it might all pan out? We've got you covered. Tune in to Turn Up Tuesday, our Facebook live series, at 5:30 PM EDT today. You'll hear firsthand why there might be a delay in election results this November — and why that's part of the process.

Remember, when election officials take the time to count and verify every ballot, it's a sign that our democracy is working. We must count every ballot that is cast, from members of the military who sent in their vote from overseas, to people with pre-existing conditions voting absentee because of COVID-19, to people voting in person on Election Day.

Learn all about it. Tune in today!

— The Leadership Conference

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