anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Thursday, September 5th, 2019

What We Still Do Not Know About Russiagate

Vital questions about perhaps the worst alleged presidential scandal in US history remain unanswered. Article by Stephen F. Cohen.

The Temptation of Tyranny

Article by Judge Napolitano.

A Second Look at Vaccination – Answers that Cannot be Questioned

Article by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.

Brexit Has Devolved into Random Acts of Vandalism

Article by Thomas Luongo.

I Feel Sorry For President Trump

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Arrivederci Autopsy

Article by Eric Peters.

Israel’s Many Wars

Escalating could be intended to involve the United States. Article by Philip Giraldi.

The Quickening

Article by James Howard Kunstler.

Memory Holing Morris Dees

Article by Steve Sailer.

@NPR Tries and Fails To Connect ‘Slow Moving Hurricanes’ Like #Dorian to

“Climate Change.” Article by Anthony Watts.

15 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

Article by Amy Goodrich.

Did CBD Shrink This Woman’s Ovarian Cancer?

Chemo-resistant tumors virtually ‘disappeared’ after surgery and cannabis treatment.

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