This tool is found at the top of’s homepage and provides any citizen instant access to the public records

Over 9,000 students and staff have built Vote Smart’s ISPY, located on This tool is found at the top of’s homepage and provides any citizen instant access to the public records on almost 11,555 candidates for president, congress, governor, or state legislature. It is a free, fast, and accurate way to get the facts about thousands of politicians campaigning to make the laws that regulate our lives.

Each candidate has six files that can be opened and reviewed:

Biography, Voting Record, Issue Positions, Public Statements, Special Interests’ Ratings, and Campaign Contributors.

Please share ISPY with all those you know who want to Vote Smart this November 3rd.

Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides accurate information about candidates, elected officials, and key pieces of legislation. By providing information in an easy and accessible manner, Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the questionable rhetoric and misrepresentation that characterizes present-day political campaigns.