Dear John, Are you ready to make a commitment to divest from the war economy and invest yourself, your time, talent, heart and humanity in cultivating your local peace economy? We are ready to support you. International Day of Peace, September 21st we will launch a weekly webinar and tools to engage you in fun and liberating new habits. So we all can be cultivating peace instead of serving the oppressive, destructive, extractive economy. The failures of the war economy, are abundantly clear in 2020, we must change our lives and cultivate the future we desire. To kick us off with some inspiration, on the eve of International Peace Day the Fetzer Memorial Trust is offering a free viewing of Paul Howard’s new film, Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm and a special post-screening panel discussion – Quantum Potential: A Pathway to Peace. This film is a drop of inspiration as we begin our journey of cultivating peace, as David Bohm, the maverick physicist, friend of Einstein and the Dalia Lama developed groundbreaking insights into the profound interconnectedness of the Universe and our place within it. This event will include a very special group of panelists: Reverend Dr. Michael B. Beckwith, Founder & Spiritual Director Agape International Spiritual Center, Audrey Kitagawa, Board Chair Parliament of World Religions, Reverend Dr. Bernard LaFayette, Jr., Civil Rights Leader, Bob Roth, CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, Marianne Williamson, political activist and spiritual thought leader and Dr. Dot Maver (moderator), Global Silent Minute. Cultivating peace together, PS. Our CODEPINK store still has our Make Out Not War t-shirt in stock, if you’d like to show up in your community in this awesome merch. |
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