
The election is Tuesday, Nov. 3, only 49 days away! North Carolinians Against Gun Violence is partnering with Blueprint NC to call and text NC voters to help them make a voting plan. This year is particularly critical as COVID has created a lot of confusion about people’s options. Personal contact with as many voters as possible will go a long way to ensure people will get out to vote. 

Can you help us reach our goal of contacting at least 1,000 NC voters between now and election day?

We’ll give you a script and information about this election’s voting options. Blueprint NC’s easy-to-use system makes calling & texting voters easy and fast - you can text 200 voters per minute, and call 300 voters in 1 hour! 

Please join us in making a difference in this historic election. We need all hands on deck to ensure that people can participate in our democracy while staying safe.

Let’s get out the vote in North Carolina!

Thank you,
Becky and Sara

PS - Common Cause NC has an online voter guide with everything you need to know about voting in NC this year (sample ballot, voting location, voting history, etc). Check it out at


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North Carolinians Against Gun Violence Education Fund
PO Box 51565  | Durham, North Carolina 27717
9194037665 | [email protected]
