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If you follow Iowa politics you know the name Chuck Offenburger. Chuck was a longtime columnist for the Des Moines Register and now writes from his farm in western Iowa with his wife Carla. He's been paying close attention to this race for the White House. As he says in his latest column:

“I go to all the candidate forums possible, even for those candidates I know I will not support. I try to ask them good questions. And I really do believe in the integrity and value of the Iowa Precinct Caucuses, and I generally respect the wisdom and committed citizenship of most Iowa voters.

There’s not been any other candidate who’s come even close to Delaney in how he’s worked Iowa in this election cycle.

This is a big deal. Chuck may not be a regular on cable news but he has his finger on the pulse of everyday Iowans. You can read the full endorsement article on Chuck's website. He talks about John's tenacity in the face of the DNC's lopsided debate requirements, the fact that John is almost done with his second tour of all 99 Iowa counties, and the "Ten Truths" that John talks about at event after event around the country.


We hope you're having a great week.
Team Delaney



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