The Daily Conservative
For the rest of the day, this secretive underground gun expert is revealing how to build your own AR-15, up to 50% off the local shop price.
It’s all in this FREE DVD, that shows you step-by-step how to make a completely untraceable AR-15 ([link removed]) from the comfort of your own home…
No expensive milling machines, or 3D printers required. Just the DVD, a drill or drill press, and some common hand tools. And you’ll have a AR-15 with...
NO registration, NO serial number, NO background checks, and NO paper trail… Plus, it’s 100% legal.
This means, no matter what new gun control legislation anti-gun Democrats ram through congress... your guns will be safe. Because they can't confiscate what they don't know exists.
Go here for the details:
>> Click here to claim your FREE “untraceable AR-15” DVD ([link removed]) (For the rest of the day)
"Molon Labe!"
Caleb Lee
P.S. If you click here ([link removed]) and the website doesn’t display properly that means this promotion is probably over. We urge you not to hesitate and to claim your Free DVD today.
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