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The Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the Evangelical Alliance have both voiced unease about a ruling handed down in an employment tribunal, which appears effectively to condemn belief in the Bible.
Rehman Chishti, the prime minister's special envoy on freedom of religion or belief, has resigned in protest at the Internal Market Bill and its implications for the backstop.
An enormous Christian monument, more than twice the size of the Angel of the North, is to be built on the outskirts of Birmingham, fulfilling a vision its instigator says came from God.
Three families are suing Vermont's education secretary and certain school districts, saying that denying them a state tuition benefit to send their children to religious schools is unconstitutional.
More than half the arrests this year under a tough national security law in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh have involved suspects in cases of cow slaughter, data showed. Vigilante attacks on those accused of killing the animal for meat, often people belonging to the Muslim minority, are common.
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