I am very upset. I need to ask you to do me a favor. We are surrounded by three of the biggest fires in California history. The air has been smoky for weeks. And as much as I appreciate Safeway having someone clean the shopping carts in between uses to keep us safe from covid-19, they have been doing this outside, in the smoky air.
I asked the manager of the American Canyon Safeway store to please move her employees inside during this smoke event, this was a week ago. I went to Safeway yesterday, to do my shopping. The sky was orange, it was so bad, and the employees were still cleaning carts outside. I asked an assistant manager to pass on that a customer said that it's unacceptable to make the employees work outside and that it shows a real lack of concern for their employee's health. The gentleman was very nice and passed that on immediately, and the person I had spoken with outside was moving inside as I was leaving.
The next day, the store's employees were again being forced to work outside, even though it's still been very smoky. I was told yesterday that the people cleaning the baskets were only allowed to come inside for a couple of minutes at a time. You can see in the images that there is plenty of room inside. When the pandemic first started, this is exactly where they were cleaning the carts, and for a month or two after that. There is simply no reason not to keep the employees inside for their own health. This is unacceptable. I don't know what it will take to get through to the store's manager.
I was hopeful that if enough people call 707-649-5150 and told Maritza, the store manager (politely) that she needs to bring the employees cleaning shopping carts inside for the duration of the smoke event, and not just for one day, that maybe we could get through to her. The smoke and the particles in the smoke can cause permanent lung damage. And I was successful in getting a number of other people to call.

Maritza told concerned people who called that the employees are being given N95 masks and everything is fine. I went down there, and the young lady cleaning carts was wearing a FABRIC mask said they are not being offered N95 masks. Concerned callers are also being told the manager can't make people wear masks. The fact that they are required to wear black pants and a tan shirt belie that. There has also been a second pumpkin display added, so that the wide area you see in the picture is not so wide anymore. That doesn't change the fact that the workers' safety should come first. I appreciate anyone who calls the corporate number. The store number is 1883 and the manager is named Maritza. 1-877-276-9637

And if you live anywhere in California that is being affected by the smoke
, please seek out your nearest Safeway to see if the workers are cleaning carts outside. If so please speak to the manager. This violates Section 5141.1 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. These essential workers shouldn't be outdoors at all, other than to collect the carts and bring them into the store for cleaning. Thank you, Heather Blevins for the code.
Roughly a year ago, the city of American Canyon was considering spending $50,000 on a study to consider a large sports park. I stood up at that City Council meeting and said "A large sports park would be awesome, but how can we justify spending this money on this study when Elliott Park's basketball court is severely cracked and the tennis court is so bad that it's been locked for 3 years, to avoid liability?" Fortunately, the City Council unanimously agreed. Look at them today! They look great! I think the basketball hoops were probably removed for the lockdown.
Hey I can't win this without you! This campaign is 100% grassroots funded. That means I depend on small, individual donations from people like you. I'm currently trying to raise $500 by Thursday's forum, for ads on Facebook and Google. If you could pitch in a buck or two, I'd really appreciate it. Every dollar counts.
Covid numbers seem to getting a bit better around our area. Things are opening up, loosening up. But we need to keep our guard up, keep social distancing and keep our masks on. A second wave in parts of Europe, like Spain and France, is probably going to make its way here, and by then it will be full on autumn or winter. Stay vigilant.
In the races for Mayor and City Council in Napa's District 2 & 4, there are candidates who are being supported by big developers who want to build more hotels & market rate apartments. They are all kind people, with respectable backgrounds, but endless development in this form is a disaster for Napa. Napa needs low-income housing and it needs to protect it's natural beauty.
Many, many Napans are fed up with the overreach of the tourist industry. These are the people that didn't want a vineyard amusement park, didn't want helicopter tours for wealthy tourists polluting the air, and don't want to see an endless stream of hotels and high-end homes that regular Napans can't afford.
If you're one of those people, I hope that you will vote for Renee Cazares in District 4 and David Campbell in District 2 and Gerardo Martin for Mayor. These are people NOT taking developer money, not taking winery money, and who will prioritize people and nature. They have my support.
A reminder that Julian Assange is being accused of treason and espionage despite not being an American. He's an Australian citizen in the UK. He's been to the US once, for a few days, and committed no crimes. The US should have no standing to accuse of him of these crimes. He's also the winner of multiple awards and never had to retract a story for being false.

His extradition trial is being tried now, in the UK. His mother says he has been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, Asperger's and psychologists have stated that he shows signs of psychological torture. He's been locked in a high security prison, despite not being violent, and not released when other non-violent offenders were released because of the lockdown.

Love him or loath him, he's never had to retract a story for being false. Ever. And his persecution is an assault on the first amendment which will affect journalism in the United States for decades to come. This is the trial of the century. Has it been covered on mainstream media?
A little humor, brought to you by the year that produced Covid-19, the fascist suppression of civil rights protests, massive fires and Joe Biden.
Here is the schedule for the League Of Women Voters forums in Napa County. I will be appearing on the 17th of September. I will also be in the Chamber of Commerce forum on September 30 at 6:00 PM and the American Canyon Family Resource Center forum on October 3 at 6:00 PM.
Rising did a terrifying expose of Amazon working conditions, union busting and surveillance of their employees. If you can, please watch it. This demonstrates why Amazon should not be supported until they start treating their employees better. And a little math- the CEO of Kaiser makes about $18 million per year, a HUGE amount of money to most of us. Mark Zuckerberg, as we have seen in a previous email, makes $2 billion per year- more than 100 times what the Kaiser CEO makes. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, Whole Foods and the Washington Post, makes $78.5 billion per year- almost 40 times what Mark Zuckerberg makes. It would take a worker earning the average salary in the US a million years to earn what Jeff Bezos makes in 1 year. That is economic inequality on a level that most of us can't even comprehend.
The problem with American politics isn't that there is an opposition party, or that the majority oppose them, or even that they have more power than they should. The problem is that those who are supposed to be on our side are really protecting billionaires FROM our side.
Pew Research Center did a survey at the beginning of the month. It shows that most Americans see their government as opaque, influenced by big money, unaccountable and disrespectful of people's rights. It's great to see that people are catching on. The corporate parties are unworthy of your support. They don't deserve you. Now go get yourself an ice cream. You deserve it!
I have a real problem with Donald Trump trying to start war with Iran and Venezuela, but Joe Biden has pushed for war for profit time and time again, irresponsibly sending our children to kill and die to enrich billionaires. Listen to this Iraq War veteran, listen to his pain over losing the people around him and over being sent to hurt civilians. And watch Joe Biden try to turn it around on this brave veteran and then walk away. This is no way to treat any veteran.
As always, this campaign is 100% grassroots.

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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